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When Karl was captured by the enemy and taken to one of their tents, he knew that he would be feminized. He couldn't do anything to prevent that, but he told himself that he could fight the mental changes.

He'd seen brave, strong men come back as little sluts who spoke in high, soft voices, painted their faces and wore frilly dresses. They flirted with men, giggled and blushed. The sight of them had sickened Karl. But he wasn't going to let any of that happen to him. He would be strong. Even if he was a girl on the outside, he would be a man forever on the inside!

Karl expected the feminization process to hurt, but he just heard a whoosh, there was a hot breeze across his skin and when it passed his manhood was gone. He searched his mind, but it didn't seem that anything had changed.

Hadn't he always loved men? Hadn't he always wanted to be pretty for them, to sit on their laps and call them daddy? Hadn't he always wanted to feel their big, strong arms around his soft little body?

Karl shook his head, trying to focus, to will away these strange new desires, but it was hopeless. He knew that he was beaten. He was just another one of those little sluts now, inside and out.

And the worst part was, he was going to love every moment of it.


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