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For Valentine's Day Ted gave his wife Zoey a lacy black teddy. She was delighted by the gift, but then she looked down at the tag and her smile fell.

"This is much too small for me," she said. "You know this would never fit me."

"I got it to motivate you. You need to lose some weight and this will give you a goal to shoot for. I'd love to see you in it, once we get you shaped up right."

Zoey felt her face flush hot with rage. She was tempted to rip the teddy into tiny pieces, but then she had a better idea.

"Actually," she said, "I'd love to see you in it."

Ted laughed.

"Yeah, right. I don't exactly have the bod for that thing!"

"You will," Zoey said, "once you we get you shaped up right..."


Zero Wing

This is definitelty a dream of mine. ^_^