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School has ended for the day and the halls are almost empty. Kaley is humming to herself, getting her books from her locker, while her friend Stuart stands beside her looking anxious.

Stuart: Uh, Kaley? I... really like you.

Kaley: Well, I really like you too, Stuart.

Stuart: No, I mean, I really, really like you...

Kaley sighs.

Kaley: Come on, sweetie. You know I don't think about you that way. To me, you're more like one of the girls. I love shopping with you, and you always have such good advice about my outfits. Remember how much fun we had that time you let me paint your nails?

Stuart: Well, to be honest, I only do that stuff so I can be close to you. I'd do anything for us to be closer.

Kaley: Really? Anything?

Stuart: Yes! Whatever it takes!

Kaley looks thoughtful for a moment, as if she's making up her mind about something, then she breaks into a grin.

Kaley: OK. You know those spellbooks I told you about, that my grammy left me? I've been reading them, and I think I've come up with a way for us to both be happy.

Stuart: Really?

Kaley: Yeah. I'm gonna turn you into a girl! (She points at Stuart and speaks an incantation:) Nunc Liquesco.

There is a POOF and suddenly Stuart is transformed into a pretty girl version of himself, wearing feminized versions of his clothes.

Stuart: What? OH MY GOD!! I'm... I'm a...

Kaley: Isn't this great? Now we can do all kinds of fun girl stuff together. You can sleep over at my house, and we'll braid each other's hair and gossip about boys!

Stuart: Boys?

Kaley: Yeah. You like boys now, it's part of the spell. So now you won't think about me like that anymore, and we can just be BFFs. Do you wanna be called Stella from now on, or Steffi? How about Stacy?

Stuart: What?! I don't...

He suddenly doubles over and grabs the crotch of his skirt.

Stuart: Whoa! Why do I feel like somebody just punched me in the guts? And why do I feel kind of... uh, wet?

Kaley bites her lip, stifling a laugh, then she grabs Stuart and begins to hurry him down the hall.

Kaley: Welcome to womanhood, sweetie. Come on, let's get you to the girls' room so I can show you how tampons work!


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