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Liam had teased Patti mercilessly all through high school. Now it was their senior prom and he wanted to torture her one last time.

"Hey, Fatty Patti. Did you use a circus tent to make that dress?"

"Leave me alone, asshole, or you're finally gonna get what you deserve."

Liam laughed. Patti fancied herself a witch and she was always threatening him with her bullshit magic.

"Hey," he told her, "I'm just saying what everybody's thinking. I mean, look at yourself in that big, ugly dress. You sure don't look like a prom queen!"

Patti flushed red, just as she had so many times before, but then she got a funny little smile. She bent down to open her bag on the floor, pulled out a garishly-colored super-soaker and pointed it right at Liam's face.

"Maybe you're right," she said. "Maybe I don't look like a prom queen. But you sure will..."


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