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This Tight Leather-tier patron's feminized form ended up looking like some famous actress, but I'm not sure who. Young Selma Blair, maybe? She's very striking, with those intense eyes and plump, kissy lips. Who does she look like to you?

OK, so, now for a few news items.

Usually the cut-off for custom gifs is the 15th, but this month I'm going to have to call it a couple of days early. I'm all booked up with gifs for this month and there's the usual stress of the holidays to deal with, along with, uh, everything else going on right now. So, I'll do the gifs I'm already committed to do but that's gonna have to be it for December.

Second, due to factors beyond my control I don't think I'll be able to do any custom gifs in January. If you've been following my stuff for a while you may have heard me talk about Pixlr, the program I use for almost all of my graphic work. Well, they're shutting the damn thing down at the end of the month, so I'll need a little time to get up to speed with another program. I've got enough gifs banked that you shouldn't see any difference here on the Patreon, but it will be a little while before I can create new stuff (like custom gifs) again.

Finally, this isn't so much news as it's just me letting you know where my head's at... I have to be honest and say that I'm thinking of phasing out the custom gifs, or starting some new tier for them. Shifting to portrait-style gifs wasn't really the time-saver I'd hoped, and I still end up spending a day or so on each gif. I'm worried that if I stop doing those gifs I'd lose a lot of my Tight Leather-tier patrons, and I really don't want to disappoint you folks, but right now I'm just spending too much time on these $10 custom gifs and that's time I need to spend on my writing and the non-custom gifs for all of my patrons. So I haven't made up my mind about what to do with all that but I know I can't go on the way I have been. I'd be curious to hear any of your opinions, advice, etc.


Zero Wing

Maybe instead of having a custom GIF every month, you could spread them out to be one every other month, or every 3 months? It'll give you some more time to work on them along with the rest of the GIFs you like to bring us.


Hmm. You may be on to something. Or maybe I could offer custom gifs every month to the first five TL patrons who send me their pics? I want to come up with an arrangement where my TL patrons are satisfied... but offering custom gifs to EVERYBODY in the TL tier just isn't sustainable!

A cooper

I think you could start new tiers with limits on how many people can join. Make it so you have monthly, every 3 months and every 6 months for custom gifs and then go accordingly from there

Zero Wing

You could even have multiple tiers that allow for portrait-style (lower price), full-body style (higher price), maybe even motion-style at a premium tier (top price). The rate at which you can crank these out will be up to you, and you can either spread out the subscription costs to reflect what you'd normally charge for a commission based on the level the patron wants, and adjust as necessary. For my part, I always thought $10 per custom TG gif was a steal. I wouldn't mind paying more (or more over time) to get the same level of effort. Spreading them out over the course of a few months may give you the breathing room you need to fit them in with your other projects, too, and if you offer the higher tiers, you may be surprised how many will actually go for them. More money in your pocket to afford these morphing programs you need to do these awesome GIFs. ^_^

Nick Carrick

First 5 every month sounds reasonable! Also, higher tiers for full body / motion gifs could work, I could see myself ponying up some extra for those treats!