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When Professor Thumbcatch tried to cast a seduction spell on one of the senior girls in his Dark Arts class, he found out that the school had a special curse in place to punish naughty teachers like him. He was transformed into a rather spectacularly buxom young lady, all knowledge of spellcraft was wiped from his mind and he was forced to start over as a student. Of course it was utterly humiliating taking the same classes he used to teach, but the worst part was how the boys kept asking him if he wanted to go for a broomstick ride!


A cooper

I wouldn't mind using that spell or having it used on me

Elijah Bellieu

Hopefully, he could change back


Well, MAYBE after four years at school, if he's been good. But knowing Thumbcatch, he'll probably try some other scheme and be stuck as a girl forever!


Well, all you have to do is get a job teaching at a wizarding school and try to cast a seduction spell on one of the students!

A cooper

Haha I'll get right on that. Only magic I work is in the gym

Sex Wizard

If you wont to be a girl pay Mindi Flyth money.