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"So, William, I'm sure you're curious why I've invited you onto my web show today."

"Web show? Myra, I thought this was a date..."

"Hush now. I'm speaking to all the witches who are watching us."

"Witches? What the hell..?"

"Ladies,  with my new spell, all it takes is one snap of your fingers to turn any  boy into a bimbo. Observe as I demonstrate with William here."

"What? HEY! Oh, my God... I'm a..."

"Now, Billie, lift your skirt and show the ladies your pretty panties."

"What? I'm not gonna... HEY!"

"Now strip down and twerk. Come on, work it, girl. Show off that bouncy butt."

"Myra, come on! You better stop this, or... or..."

"Billie  here is going to make me a lot of money shaking her ta-tas down at the  strip club, and I'm sure you can all think of plenty of uses for your  bimbofied boyfriends. I'll give you a few minutes to send in your payments for the spell, and in the meantime we'll enjoy Billie's little  show."

"Myra, please!"

"From now on, Billie, you will address me only as Mistress."

"Yes, Mistress. I mean... Oh, crap!"


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