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I wanted to share a little preview of the website redesign I've been working on.  After a ton of fiddling, I've gotten it to a place where I'm mostly happy with it.  The landscape at the top is only a rough, and I'll probably redo it completely, but the rest of the layout is more where I want it to be.

A couple notes -

-If any of you use ad block, you might be surprised to see ads in the website layout.  Rest assured, the ads have always been there, and I will always respect my readers' right to use ad block if they want to.  If you saw ads on my site before, you'll continue to see ads.  If you didn't see ads on my site before, you'll continue to not see ads.

-Patreon will likely scale the image, so the actual site will be larger than what you see here.  Comic pages will be 800px wide compared to the current 600.

-The site will be mobile friendly, and the comic page will scale according to the width of the window.  I plan for the comic page to take up the full width in the mobile version.

-Other than being mobile friendly and having bigger comic pages, my main goal was a simpler, cleaner, and more modernized feel.

-I also redesigned the DOTU logo, which is something I've been wanting to do for ages.  The original logo was designed pretty quickly back when I wasn't expecting DOTU to be anything more than a simple sketch comic I did on the weekends.  I wanted something more legible that had more flexibility.

-I'm open to feedback!

There's a lot I still need to do in terms of design.  The biggest thing is figuring out the landing page and finalizing the landscape art at the top.  After that, I'll be ready to get it coded.  I might code it myself and have someone else move the database, or I might have someone else do both the coding and the database stuff.  Time constraints might be the deciding factor.

What do you guys think?  Is this a website you'd be comfortable visiting?



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