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A bit of news:

1. This week's page will be postponed till next week.  After several weeks of working through illness and feeling like I was hanging by a thread, I just wasn't able to pull through this week.  In addition to not being 100% well yet, I've been having a lot of trouble getting my head on straight, so I only managed to make it through about 33% of the next page.

It's been over a year since I last had to postpone a page - only once in the past 2.5 years, with several bonus pages to compensate even before hitting the Patreon goal.  October added up to 6 pages, and the November bonus page is still scheduled for next Thursday 11/24, so we'll still have two pages next week.

2. I still haven't delivered October's rewards due to the aforementioned illness and brain collapse, so I plan to deliver October's and November's at the same time, within the next 2 weeks.  Everyone in the $5-$50 tiers will receive both months of rewards even if you were only a patron for one of the two months.

3. And finally, I've made a change to the $10 original sketch tier that will become effective for December 1.  Starting with December pledges, monthly original sketches will be done as a rotation instead of one per patron per month.  Since my launch, I've created and delivered 357 original sketches, and I have 34 to go before I wrap up October and November.  That'll be a total of 391.  I really love being able to send monthly sketches, but this is the only tier in which I really don't come anywhere near breaking even due to the amount of time it takes to come up with 17 original ideas and then execute them every month.  My skills have always been geared more toward finished work, so assorted sketches are a bit of a struggle, especially after doing almost 400.  Every time I've been late on rewards, it's been because of struggles with finishing this tier.  The change will help me get all rewards consistently back on schedule for future months.

Starting with December's pledges, I'll send out six sketches per month and announce which patrons are eligible for a sketch that month, and they can select their choice as usual.  $10, $20, and $50 tiers get included in the rotation.  $1, $2, $5, and $10.01 do not.  The following month, the next six patrons on the list will get to choose a sketch.  With 17 patrons and 6 sketches per month, each patron will get a sketch at least once every 3 months.  On the off months, I'd like to include some sort of little note or extra, but I haven't figured it out yet.  It seems like most other creators I know who do original art as rewards do it on a rotational basis, and it seems to work well for them, so I hope it'll work out here too.

If anyone in the affected tiers doesn't like the change, you have until the end of the month to switch tiers before being charged.  Nothing is changing for the months that are already paid.  And I am also open to feedback.

You guys have been really awesome and loyal and supportive through my recent health struggles, and I really appreciate it.  Knowing what we're in for over the next four years, I think it's more important than ever for me to tell this story and give you guys a happy place to come to every week, so I want to make sure I get back on my feet in the right way, without risking falling back down again soon.  Thank you for everything you've done to keep this comic alive!


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