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Pogo's September letters have been sent out to all processed patrons, so you should be getting them soon!  Email letters have also been sent for those of you who get them digitally, so if you didn't receive it, let me know.

Want to know about Pogo's dreams?  Well, he's going to tell you whether you want to know or not. ^_^;

You might notice that Pogo's letters are a little more... legible? than before.  In September, we hit 80 patrons in the letter tiers, so I had to start looking at time saving measures, and one of these was creating a custom font so the letters wouldn't have to be scribbled and scanned and cleaned up by hand.  It probably shaved an hour or more off production time, and it should look much better especially for people who get email delivery.  Snail mail letters are still personalized by hand.  For now, I'm still not limiting the $5 or $10.01 tiers, but I might put a cap on one or both in the not too distant future.

Pickup truck stamps are over :( but for October's letters in a few weeks, we'll have PET STAMPS!!!  Now I know what it feels like to be an excited old lady.  Also coming soon - aiming for today - is that info about the explosives unit and also a card portrait draft (which will be sent privately).

Please let me know if:

-you are currently receiving snail mail letters and would prefer email

-15 days have passed since I sent the snail mail letters and you still haven't received yours

-you want to be called by a different name on your letter

- also, If your address has changed, please update this information in your pledge

The most reliable way to reach me is to send me a private message or email (bob (at) bob-artist.com).



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