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Exciting news! I'm launching a brand new monthly reward!  This reward will be for the $5 tier, currently named "Pen Pal Tier." (name change coming soon)  But this month, everyone gets it! 

In May's video, we have an intro to the series and questions for Pogo and Belmont!

(this video can be watched muted without missing anything other than bg music.)

DOTU Character Interviews!

How it works: 

Leave a comment on any Character Interview post with a question you want to ask a character.  (If you want to ask anonymously, please say so in your comment! Otherwise your username will be included in the video.)  I'll add your question to my ongoing list, and every month a few questions will be answered.

Current characters available for questioning:

  • Pogo
  • Samsid
  • Merritt
  • Belmont
  • Annie
  • Archer (currently only available "by phone")

Next milestone goal: Add a new character to the list! Patrons will vote on the character after the goal is met, and I'll draw up a semi-animated sprite for them.

Earlier this month, I took questions on Discord so I had a collection lined up.  Depending on volume, I'll *try* to eventually answer everyone's questions provided they aren't too inappropriate or spoilery.  Every month, I'll post a video with the characters' answers.

What about the Pen Pal letters?

I've decided to discontinue the letters.  Letters were on pause while I worked on the very massive Cooking with Belmont.  I was originally going to resume them in June, but the interviews are much more feasible.

If there are any current patrons who haven't gotten a letter because they joined during the pause, or if they joined shortly before the pause, DM me and I'll send you a set of past letters.

Starting in June, we'll have the interviews instead of letters.  (Sketch patrons will still get their sketches by mail!)

I'm glad I was able to do the letters for as long as I did, but it's become a little too difficult to keep them going.  They were very heavy on administrative headaches due to the tier existing through Patreon's many backend redesigns dating back to 2014, so there was never an easy way for me to sort email/snail mail recipients and verify addresses.  I also went through three printers in the years I was doing them, so the letters cost me several hundred dollars in replaced printers on top of paper/ink/stamps etc.  Also, after doing them for ~6 years, I just really need new inspiration.

The interviews, like the letters, will allow us to get to know the characters better, but in a way that I hope is more fun for everyone!

So, have a question for a future interview round? Drop it in the comments!  If you want to ask privately (since this is a public post), please DM me or @ me in the DOTU Discord.


DOTU Character Interviews: May 2022

The first DOTU character interview video! For May 2022. This month's questions are for Pogo and Belmont. Pogo: What's your favorite sfw hobby? Belmont: What was your worst fashion failure?


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