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First off, the next DOTU page will be next week instead of this week!

I the meantime, CWB updates! 

For those of you who missed it, Cooking with Belmont is a visual novel featuring Merritt, Belmont, Pogo, Samsid, Annie, and Charles! (plus a cameo from Archer). It's Pogo's birthday, and Merritt is throwing him a dinner party. Just one problem: disaster chef Belmont wants to help cook. The game takes place in a theoretical future after DOTU.

I'm aiming to release Cooking with Belmont to patrons by the end of May! So if you are still a patron next month, you will get the full game FREE!!!

I made a *ton* of new Cooking with Belmont progress, and I'm soooooo close to done!  In terms of labor hours, I'm about 98-99% finished.  All sprite and background art is complete. All that's left is 3 CG illustrations, and then a bit of coding for the later half of Merritt Cooks Bad and the Cook Together routes.  All other routes are finished, and coding is the fastest part.

As some of you may know, January-April is when my freelance schedule is at its heaviest, and it's extremely difficult. I've managed to find time to work on CWB and DOTU, but I didn't have to work on it AND post about what I worked on. -_- So if it's been a little quiet here, that's why!

The video above is from the Belmont Cooks route, and it's my first time officially sharing the finished sprite art for Pogo and Samsid.  Secret Gallery will get an in-depth look.

Also, the itch.io page is set to go up tomorrow, so expect another announcement then!

Anyway, since it's been a long time since I posted an all-patrons update, I'll give y'all a screenshot dump!

And you can check out my videos page for all the public CWB clips:


And one additional process video that's elsewhere:

Process Video - Sprite Flatting Automation


Cooking with Belmont - Your Chef for the Evening

Cooking with Belmont is a visual novel where there are no bad endings, only bad cooking! https://www.patreon.com/bob_artist


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