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Hi all!  I'm just letting you guys know that I've decided to switch to upfront payment for my Patreon campaign, since I ended up having another problem with pledging and ditching.  Just one person and a low amount, no big deal, but it's not something I want to keep worrying about.

This doesn't change anything for all of you who are already patrons.  You will continue to be charged on the first of the month, and I will deliver mailed rewards on the same schedule as always, although I'm trying to move snail mail rewards and the monthly $10.01 drawing up earlier in the month.

If you increase your pledge, you will be charged the difference between the pledge amounts immediately.  But if you switch to a tier like the $10.01 or any other tier that includes $10.01 gallery access, you won't have to wait until the start of the next month to get the login and password.

Apologies to those of you who joined the $10.01 tier this month, since I believe you'll still have to wait until September 1 to be charged.  But for any new $10.01 patrons starting today, you will not have to wait.

This system is brand new to me, and it might take me a month or two to figure out how it works.  I hope you'll bear with me!  Let me know if you have any questions, and I'll do my best to answer!


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