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Here's sketches 13-16.  If you're in a sketch tier, let me know your choice by Friday so I can send them over the weekend!

The sketches are as follows:

13. Merritt's Story book 3 - The Mint Tin (excerpt below)

14. Merritt's Story book 3 - A strategic discussion

15. Merritt and Belmont sharing an umbrella

16. Samsid holding a kitten

And, the excerpt! (usual disclaimer: this hasn't been through edits yet, so excuse any roughness.)  This one goes out to y'all who enjoy Belmont/Archer pettiness.  This is Belmont's revenge for Archer's tea canister comment.....


“Ooh, are those mints?” Belmont asked, gesturing toward the tin.

Archer didn’t turn her head.  “Yes, help yourself.”

The fact she’d invited him to handle the mints was an insult in itself, as if she didn’t think him talented enough to slip a drug into the container.  Despite her casual appearance, he could tell she watched him keenly.  So he lifted the lid off the tin, removed a mint, then replaced the lid so the top label lay horizontal.  Archer’s fist clenched ever so slightly as she stared at the tin.  Belmont saw murder in her terse lips and fixed gaze, and he couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so alive.



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