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Pogo's come so far... XD

A few scheduling updates!  I'm *super* behind on February rewards. I had about 10 days of a mysterious and kinda scary health issue around the end of February, and it's been a nightmare to catch up because January-April are my heaviest freelance months.  The Patreon isn't at a level where I can prioritize DOTU over freelance anymore, so I only have every other weekend to do DOTU stuff other than comic pages.  I'm still aiming to get the quarterly Sketch Tier sketches out this month, but I'm not sure exactly when it'll be.  I also owe y'all a Secret Gallery post, same deal as the sketches.

The good news is, shockingly, I was able to figure out the mystery illness this time!!! (weird and intense intolerance to a food ingredient that's still unknown but avoidable if I eat familiar things).  So if it happens again, it'll be like a half-day issue instead of a 10-day issue because I won't stupidly eat the same thing 10 days in a row, haha.  This is also something that's happened in the past without me being able to pinpoint the cause, so having the mystery solved - and easily fixable - is a pretty big deal that I'm very relieved about!

Oh, and also:



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