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Chapter 4, Page 99 also just went up on the main site:


I should also be able to post some progress on the visual novel soon for the Secret Gallery tier.  I got the base sketch done for one of Belmont's alternate sprites, and I'm hoping to knock out the base sketches for his other two over the next couple days.  Then, on to Pogo and Samsid!

OH! Almost forgot!  I have a detail shot of the trio of idiots!  And also, yes, the chalkboard was updated for this scene ^_^  I keep hoping we get a closer shot of it, but I don't think we will, so y'all will have to employ your zoom powers...

Ahhh, that fateful 4 days ago...  (we also saw a murder 4 days ago, it's just we were unlucky enough to have one yesterday too because that's the underground!)



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