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Pages are back from hiatus, woohoo!  Resuming the previous 2x/monthly pages.

FYI, check out Merritt's Story book 2, something in the range of ch18-ish to see just how Merritt and Lyra know each other. :)  (Fun fact - Lyra was actually not originally going to show up in Merritt's Story.  This was supposed to be his first appearance.  He ended up getting added to Merritt's Story in edits.)

Sorry for the slight delay on this page!  I wanted to get this up last night, but I had to deal with a few unexpected things while working on this page - namely a million glitches from my recent OS upgrade and a brief tornado warning for a tornado that tore up some roofs about 3 miles from me. >.>  (No damage to my area though, just a big thunderstorm.)

The OS glitches cost me a lot more time than the tornado, haha.  But man, I feel really bad for some of the people living near me.  One house got completely obliterated, while the two on either side of it only had minor roof damage.  Crazy stuff.

Anyway, page 95 will go up on the DOTU website in just a moment too!

Reward Hiatus update:

I still need a bit more time before resuming monthly letters and sketches, so those will remain on hiatus a bit longer.  Freelance has been super busy, leaving me with only weekends to do DOTU stuff.  And now that pages are back, if I resume rewards too, I'll never be able to finish the DOTU visual novel I'm working on.

So, rewards will remain on hold a bit longer.  But again, y'all will get the visual novel free when it's done!  I also plan to make some long-term changes to rewards so that I'm spending less time on "routine" content and more time on the kind of thing that progresses the story.



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