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Reminder: Merritt's Story book 2's final chapters went up last Thursday! 

I posted the sketch for this image a few years ago, then fixed it up and finished it for the Secret Gallery this year.  I've also posted some cropped teasers here and there.  Now finally, with book 2 of Merritt's Story complete and posted in its entirety (!!!), I'm releasing this full image to everyone.

This was the image I'd wanted to use for book 2's cover, but I didn't have it ready at the time, haha.  So now the book 2, chapter 1 PDF has been updated to include the art.  You can grab the new file here if you're a $2+ patron!

We will have a longer wait before book 3 starts.  I had finished first drafts for books 1 and 2 before I started releasing them, but I don't have a finished first draft for book 3 yet, so I need to whip that up.  It will take a few months, but in the meantime I plan to post some exclusive extras (art and prose shorts) just for the folks who are patrons in between books, since I know the waits between books and between chapters are especially hard. ;)

If you're looking for some of the other extras I've already posted, check my "prose" tag.  Off the top of my head, I can remember The Water Date (which is now buyable from my shop), two "Belmont's Story" chapters, and the Pratt at the Sheridan (Pratt POV) extra from a couple months ago.

I'm also planning another Discord event for the book 2 wrap-up, like I did for book 1.  I'll post again about it soon!

And finally, a new public page went up today!




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