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Sorry this page is so late in the day!  It was a day of many distractions and multiple emergencies (tornado warning and some pet drama - but everyone is all right!) >.>  I hope all of you are doing all right too!

Only one page left of the scene!  I was hoping to put these two up together, but drama and emergencies mean I have to rearrange my plans a bit.  Worst case scenario, the next page will come at its regularly scheduled time, but I'll get it up earlier if I can.

We're also within 8 patrons of our goal to bring DOTU back to the public!  (This is counting the -10 decrease for Water Date sales up to 7/30, and 2 supporters via the direct Paypal subscription.)  BIG THANKS to all the new patrons who joined recently, and to all of you who are sticking around, and also to everyone who's been spreading the word about the comic to new readers!



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