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Thank you all so much for keeping Demon of the Underground running!  In October 2014, I launched my Patreon, and it's made a huge difference!  This has been a crazy year, and it's because of your support on Patreon that I've been able to continue working on DOTU throughout the health and financial ups and downs of 2015.

I reserved this year and set aside some of my needs in order to really push DOTU and see where it could go.  This was an experiment, to see if I could make a sustainable enough wage doing DOTU to continue to reserve time for four pages a month - at the quality level that I want to achieve - without shifting any of those days back to higher paying freelance work.  While the answer looks like it's going to be no for 2016, we're a lot closer than I thought we'd be!  We were above the $500 mark for a couple of months, although declined pledges kept the actual total below $500.  I still have my sights on that $621 minimum wage marker, the number that can carry DOTU through another year of weekly updates.

I'll try to round up some new patrons with my next page updates, to see if we can reach that minimum wage mark and keep the current update schedule.  It might not happen this year, but I think it's achievable in the long run.  Meanwhile, I really hope you guys will continue to stick by the comic.  Thank you so much for giving me this awesome year.  I can't even express how much of a difference you have made, and I really, really hope that I can have another year like this sometime in the future.

The above image is available in 15 wallpaper sizes.  See the attached file.  If there's another size you need, or if you want the image without text, let me know and I can create it for you.

Pogo's September letters will still go out early next week.  I know I owe you guys confirmations on the $10 sketches.



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