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Hey all, just giving another update on August rewards since I'm running late.

Basically, all the stars have lined up to screw me over, so I'm still behind, but I'm also working on rewards as we speak.  August $10 sketches should be up by Saturday at the latest.  Since I have to do the next comic page Saturday/Sunday, I should be able to do Pogo's letters on Monday and the $10.01 drawing Tuesday.  Give or take 1-2 days since I'm not working at 100% right now.

You guys already know I've been having doctor/health issues and stuff that's been a huge time suck.  Well, immediately after finishing my last comic page, I ended up with a bad cold for the past 2 days, which set me back some more.  And now that I'm well enough to be moderately functional, my laptop's trackpad is busted. ;_;  I don't need the trackpad to do art since I use a tablet.  The problem is sometimes it just makes my cursor jump all over the place and press stuff even when I'm not touching it.  So it gets in the way of everything except the $10 sketches.  It's been relatively stable for most of today, but it's just a temporary peace.  Good news is my warranty lasts another 40 days.  Bad news is it takes 3-5 days to do the repair, and I can't be without my work computer for that long without losing jobs.  So I'm still deciding what to do.

I plan on getting onto the September rewards immediately after I'm done with August's.  So hopefully this will be the only month where I'm horribly behind.  Thank you all SO MUCH for bearing with me.


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