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Here are the first six sketches for the $10 patrons. Sketches 7-12 and 13-17 coming shortly.  If you're a $10 or $50 patron and you have a preference as to which sketch you want, post here and let me know. It'll be on a first come, first served basis. I plan to send these out on Friday, so please let me know your preference sometime on Thursday. Otherwise, I'll send them out at random.

$10.01 drawing and one new Q&A should be coming next week, and I also hope to update the voting incentive gallery around that time.

I've been getting back into working on the final book in my novel series, so this month I did a few sketches of characters from the novels, though most of the sketches are still of DOTU characters.  I don't know if any more than 2 of my current $10 patrons have read the novels, and I'm not really in a hurry to promote them until after the third one is done, because a lot of the problematic stuff in the first two books doesn't get resolved until the third.  But anyway, I won't get into that now.....

The sketches are as follows:

1. Serious Samsid

2. Pogo harassing Samsid

3. Pogo sitting

4. Merritt going :\

5. Jordana with a grenade

6. Samsid profile



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