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I'm kind of surprised that we haven't seen any motorcycles in the comic yet because pretty much everyone except Pogo has one.  But we'll see Merritt's on the next few pages, and there will be some motorcycle chases in the second half of the chapter, so I couldn't put off creating my resources any longer.

This is the bike that Merritt, Jordana, Troy, and other high-level East Sphere soldiers ride.  The top image is my concept sketch, and the other three are renders of the model I built with very basic textures/materials.  It took me about 2 workdays (.5 for the design, 1.5 for the model).  I'm pretty slow with 3D work, but I'm getting faster.  And this will save me a ton of time in the long run.  It's more of a low-detail model since that's all I needed.  I will need to also model Samsid's and Bardia's bikes in the near future, but I'm especially looking forward to doing some South Sphere bikes because they have more unconventional-looking stuff.

In other news, I plan to send out rewards around 8/15-8/17.  I used to try to get rewards out during the first week of the month, but doing it mid-month over the last few months has given more wiggle room for people to sort out any billing or address issues, meaning I'm less likely to have to hold anything till the next month.  Plus the sketches always take a few days.  So I think I'll continue to aim for mid-month.



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