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Hi all, As I posted on DOTU's main page, today's update will be postponed until next week. I didn't really want to go into personal detail in public, but since you guys are my patrons, I want to keep you informed. I returned from a family vacation on Sunday morning after a rough overnight flight (rough because I only got 30 minutes of sleep), and upon returning home, I discovered that one of my birds was very badly ill with a respiratory infection. He was being watched by someone else while I was away, but they didn't notice anything off about him on Saturday or before. But on Sunday, he looked BAD. So while I'd intended to spend Sunday and Monday on my DOTU page, I instead spent it on long trips to the emergency vet and then to my regular vet. This combined with the fact that my body and mind typically handle travel very poorly, and I just haven't been able to get any work done yesterday or today. I'm probably going to refrain from vacations in the future, even those nice ones where I don't have to pay for the ticket or hotel. I'm just not built for vacations, lol. I was happier in May doing double updates with no days off. May Patreon rewards should not be affected too much. I still plan to have them wrapped up this week. I'm really hoping that my future comic update schedule won't be affected either, but I know that I'll need to do some extra freelance to make up the cost of the vet bills, so I can't guarantee it. Also, it looks like I won't be getting that new computer this year (unless either my freelance or the comic REALLY pick up), so whatever I replace livestreams with will probably be a long-lasting arrangement. More details to come, once it's all figured out. FYI, Orzo the budgie is looking much better today than he was on Sunday, but it's still touch and go, and he'll be at the vet for at least another day. Please send him happy thoughts! He's a crazy little mofo, but I love him.


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