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More sketches!  This time it's Merritt, since I really needed to brush up on drawing him for the current DOTU scene.  He and Pogo are about tied for the character I have the most trouble drawing...  All are digital except the lower left, which is pencil.

The next chapter of Merritt's Story will be coming next week, as will June Patreon rewards and a patron card portrait I'm still working on.

I plan to resume DOTU in July at 2x pages per month (we fell below the goal to compensate for ad revenue, so I probably won't do 3x pages anymore).  After one more public page, new pages will post to patrons only.

I had to consider the level of reader interest outside Patreon, and the level of support on Patreon.  Both of these things just aren't enough to warrant public pages at the current 2x/monthly speed.

I'd like to post public pages again someday, but it's not something I'd consider until either (1) I have enough of a backlog of pages that I can post at least 6 months of 4x or 5x monthly pages, or (2) we hit the goal for weekly pages, which is the less likely option.  So pages will probably be patrons only for at least a year.

So nothing is really changing for patrons.  Same rewards, mostly the same number of pages per month.  And if I do ever post the pages publicly, it'll at least be at a pace where the casual readers will be more engaged.



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