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  "Princess" Videos can be found in the WIP section of the archive, there is also a new korra video as well. Be sure to check your messages. Street fighter or Resident evil up next.          

       Wanted to give you guys an update on the current project and some animations included in the movie. I made several small video clips that are her past memories while she is dreaming in the opening sequence. Despite ongoing health conditions I am about 60% done with the first opening act and I want to have a short trailer out by sometime next month. I am also making changes to archive and links in general.

       Keep in mind these short video clips are strictly are WIP and for the movie rather than traditional loops. They still need to rendered in 4k, Some of the physics needs to be adjusted, soundwork added as well as to be edited. I was going to do a 6th video clip but I really just didn't have the energy to make it, I kinda cheated by using the same scene build as this korra video I made.

      The "Princess" movie is going to be in 3 acts. Act 1 is 60% done excluding vocal work, Around the time act 2 is 30%~ done I want to have a trailer out and detailing the story I came up with along with the help of ShadowNsfw. That should be sometime late next month possibly early February at the current rate.

      Going forward I am going to keep the archive and links to videos mainly through Direct message and on the completed works section on my discord. I am going to rotate the link randomly every month and direct message you all when I do. That's all for now, I am going to be taking a short week 1/2 break for this holiday season but I'll still check for message if you send any. Thanks for your support and have a great holiday season!
