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Just a quick status update, decided to take just a few more days(2-3) of rest since my muscles aren't hurting as much since I took a week break. During that time I setup the starts of the animations that were mentioned in the chat posts as well as private messages. Baring that in mind I could just jump right in and animate when ready, I setup 5 different animations which will be roughly 20-40 or so seconds. I haven't decided how to light two of the animations yet so have 3 sample pictures. The other animations are Pharah+Ana, Alexstraza, Tyrande, and there was going to be a Rukia one but she has no lips bones to manipulate(sorry bud). Also this Midna video transitions to 2 different positions that way I could knockout 2 birds with one stone.

My format (in terms of patreon polls,ect) at the moment has been dicey because of my recent condition, so thank you for your patience. Also a member brought up that new payment method, I think it was paying upfront for new members. I could remove passwords if I enable that but I would like to hear your opinions on the matter.

http://imgur.com/a/hFopA for WIP shots.




When I setup my new Patreon account last week for Recorded Fantasies, I asked them to put me on the Pay Upfront option, but they emailed me back this: "Unfortunately this option isn't available at the moment :/ We had included an additional number of creators some time ago, but have since stopped doing this in order to have more control around who is a part of the beta and who is not. I have, however, added you to a list of creators who have requested this and will be the first ones contacted when we want to roll it out to everyone. It's looking like it may be in the next couple of months so hopefully sooner than later!" So just keep in mind that it won't go into effect for a while yet...


I remember getting a message saying I could opt for that option a few weeks ago but hesitated on the idea. I guess it was to test the waters for now?


Seems like it, maybe just a few people to test for bugs etc. Although, I am brand new on Patreon, so they may actually be allowing more seasoned Patreon creators to opt-in, even though they didn't tell me that. It never hurts to email them and ask I guess! Good luck, I can't wait until I can have mine switched over as well, makes the accounting and rewarding sooo much simpler.


It's been awhile since I've done wow stuff so I look forward to animating that


I totally agree with the pay upfront. The patron knows instantly what they can expect and the artist doesn't get ripped. Basically both sides can instantly see results on certain matters. For longer patreons it really shouldn't affect them (I think) plus it may make it easier for newer patrons to see the transaction right then and there rather than waiting a whole month and being blindsided or forgetful.

Alex K

Well we already had a brief talk about my opinion on this, so you know. I honestly can't believe that they didn't plan it out like this from the start. It's way too easy to rip off content creators with the current system.

Stéphane Adam

Do it. Seriously dude it's a no-brainer.


Another Pharah animation?! TAKE MY MONEY NOW!


Woah I just joined today and your work looks very very very very very promising. I'm looking forward to seeing it! 👍