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I have a mouth but cannot scream. What turned out to be a simple recon run ended when I triggered a stasis mine and now all my limbs are bound tight to what seems like a mechanical frame. The room was quiet except for the dim hum of electrical current from the panel I was bound to and it was dark save for the gold hue of light raditating from a pool of liquid. Nearby the pool was my armor but it was completely covered in gold, as soon as I made that observation a pale short hairless "bird" (if you can call this monster that) approached me.

"Ah good you're awake! I am pleased to tell you that you're about to make High Command very happy!

"LIKE I CARE! Either kill me or if you unbind me I promise to make your death quick. It will only be a matter of time before I get out of this!"

"Kill you? No that would be counter productive! In fact we have have a fate much worse than death in store for you."

As he said that the crane rumbled with power and lifted me towards the golden pool.

"I was given the task of creating an armor coating that would both be flexible and resist to ballistics as well as your cannon blaster. However since our ground troops are incompetent I deemed that a waste of resources and decided my time would better be spent on more devious measures."

"what the hell are you talking about?"

"You're about to be dipped in to an experimental substance infused with nanomachines that fundamentally changes your DNA structure to what I deem appropriate for your new role."

A wave of horror hit me as I was slowly be descended into the pool. I struggled hard as I thought to myself about what the hell is he going to do to me.

As my body hit the surface of the pool I was hit by warm sense of arousion... The substance itself was very thick, Enough that the panel had to push me inside for it to envelop me. I held my breath for 2 minutes but I couldn't hold out, I accepted my fate and let go. I woke up as I was being pulled out but something was different. something felt wrong.

"There we go and lets get those bindings off. Now you have about a minute to say any last words so make them good."

What is happening to me??

The nanomachines are restructuring your body to basically be a living sex doll. You're entire body is being transformed into a golden hard rubber texture, completely smooth and forming your pussy near the outside layer of your zero suit so you can accommodate big items inside you. The nanomachines take care of your basic internal needs and of course they always keep your mouth and pussy wet so your ready to go anytime. They also completely repair any damage done to the rubber so these pussy lips stay tight. Funny how your skin tight suit is becoming your new skin.

I tried to reach for his neck but I couldn't budge. "I. I'll..." and those were my last words before I completely solidified.

I forgot to mention you'll be completely aware the entire time and your senses are amplified so the smallest touch will make you cum. If anything this is a gift! You'll be practically immortal and in complete bliss. Anyways it won't be hard to find a buyer with your reputation.

No truer words were ever spoken. My life turned into pure extreme bliss so much that I forgot the past worries and only focused on when I was going to get fucked. Everyday I was fucked by a man I spent years tracking down, everytime he would gloat calling me his sextoy. As time passed I enjoyed getting treated like a useless fuck toy. It won't be long till my sense of self will be completely faded and my only regret my master can't hear me scream in pleasure.


Pharah video will be completed tomorrow, the voice actress wanted to do another take to get the accent down. I'll have both that and new polls tomorrow. I still need to do a Samus animation and I think I may do a follow up of her transformation. Hope you enjoy and thank you for the support!




That is the sexiest story I've ever read on here. Very well written, very exciting.


I seriously need to see an animation of this..