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This was back when we were stripping the ranch a-frame down to well… the frame haha. We were taking it apart so we could add in better insulation within the walls, replace the small windows and open them open to put in new larger ones, etc. The floor in the place was just the subfloor. The person who lived there before us didn’t ever put in real flooring. So we found this beautiful wine stained wood. It used to be apart of barrels that held red wine. They had been laying out for a long time so most them flatten back out. We did a lot of work to remove to wine crystallization from the planks. I beveled all of the edges. So many wood planks! We did them each one by one. We floored half the house with those so it was a lot of wood and a lot of work. We ended up doing the living room in something else because it was just a huge project to take on. I learned a lot though. It was fun but very hard work.

For awhile the ranch didn’t have any windows installed, the fire place was too small to heat the size of house it was (plus no windows) and then it also had a crack in the glass, the chimney was tall enough so the smoke didn’t flow up all the way through like it was supposed to and it would smoke up the house. We did a lot of the demo in summer so by winter it was time to rebuild it all up. We lived in a trailer during the demo and the rebuild. It wasn’t like a big trailer. Like one of those vintage 60s ones you can hook up to the back of a truck. The bathroom wasn’t on working shape in the trailer and it wasn’t in the house yet either besides the bathtub. So we took baths in the cold house and had to use the woods as the bathroom. We did that for months! We cooked in the trailer a lot of days but before we had the propane hooked up in the trailer we just built a fire and put a cast iron skillet or pot (depending on what we were making) over the fire. It was actually really nice cooking that way.

I’ll post some more throwbacks with story times in August.




great story. but I'm curious: are these the only work clothes you had? 😜


It was hot haha! I preferred to work half naked. The desert is so hot!