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Haha! Here's a playful video of me jumping a fence so that I can get some cute shots with this old Volkswagen Beetle for ya guys. I hope the photos turned out cute and as planned   considering we literally hopped over a fence and trespassed to get those shots lol. Wouldn't be the first time... I did a shoot in LA once where we waited until around 10-11pm then hopped over quite the tall fence into a public pool. I stripped down and skinny dipped for the shoot. So fun! Kind of a thrilling aspect to add to a shoot that already has public nudity... now trespassing too? Haha. When I was 13 I actually got arrested for trespassing. I was hanging out at an abandoned house in Arkansas and the cops took it quite seriously. They kept me for hours. They didn't even notify my parents of where I was  or what happened until I had already been in custody for 9 hours and it was 10pm when they finally called them. That's really not even the half of it lol but were trying to keep this post light hearted. Clearly I've yet to learn my lesson though!


The Things I do For A Good Shoot ;p

Me, hopping a fence so that I can get some photos with an old Volkswagen Beetle for ya guys haha!


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