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Some of you may have already seen some of these but they’re from a few years ago so Cynda thought that maybe some people would enjoy seeing these again or for the first time.

They’re taken by Emanuel, the photographer who ran NextDoor Model if anyone remembers those days on Instagram. He loved Cynda and would repost her photos a lot and helped her build up some of her Instagram following. During one of her trips to London he flew her out to Milan and they had two photo shoots. One was a quick one in her hotel room which is where most of these shots came from and the other was an all day shoot in his studio which she’s lost a lot of the photos from and said she’s so sad about it. He showed her around Milan a bit. Took her for the typical Milan breakfast which according to him is a espresso drank standing up (no time for sitting) quickly because people in Milan are busy lol and then maybe a quick pastry taken to go. Then he brought her to Monster Management to meet the agents, but they thought she was too short and that her hip measurements were not up to par. She told me she weighed 103 here and had 35 inch hips. She says as a short model, up until the last year or two you were expected to have smaller measurements than the tall models. So 35 inches may be the standard for a 5’9 model but for a 5’6 model the standard is 34 or 33 inches. Bubble butts run in the family though so after a certain age getting below 35 inch was not happening for her.

Update: Cynda is out of the hospital and she’s staying at my house for awhile while we continue to work on her health. We’re just working on figuring out what the next steps are in working on getting her better. She’ll likely be back to posting again herself soon but I already had this post drafted and queued up to post but I wanted to add this update for you guys. Send Cynda nice comments and messages for her to see when she gets back online!



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