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      Currently taken down month early access to vore works as I'm unable to produce that much vore that fast these days T-T 

I'll be introducing a raffle system for the $10 tier sometime this early month and hope to keep growing the support for my art, I'd like to add more rewards like private streams but will have to be on hold for now until early next year.

       Aside from adding in a raffle system, I'll be taking down some art poll pics and a few others to be put into packs, the $5 and $10 patrons will receive  packs as they come out on Gumroad. 'wouldn't want new patrons having access to 5+ art packs right off the bat spread through my patreon 'gallery'

     Just wanna say I'd be in a tight spot if not for the support I've been getting from all of you, this helps me have much more time to produce more of god's works 


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