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Hey everyone!
As many of you in the penthouse and above know, one of the perks is that you can play a sound effect of your choice once each stream, no matter what is happening.

We've upgraded the sound bot to be web-based so that if any of you WISH to, you can upload or change your sounds as often as you wish, plus it makes it a LOT easier on my end.
For anyone that had a sound and was an active patron today I already moved over your current sounds!

If you would like to mess with them yourself at any time, here are the instructions!

Instructions for patreon sound effects:

  • Go here: https://patreon-herald.mael.tech/
  • Link Patreon
  • Link Twitch
  • Afterwards you should see an option to upload a sound file
  • After you are done I will get an email to approve it.
  • The sound will play each day the first time you chat on stream!

As always, thank you for being here, and let me know if you hit any snags so we can take care of them!



I linked everything and my old sound file was there and approved but it didn't play today when I chatted on stream so not sure what was missed.