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 Hey Community! Just wanted to plug a special day tomorrow.  Due to our generous Patreon Patrons passing my first stretch goal, I'm adding a 12 hour stream each month to the rotation, and tomorrow (my Birthday) is that day.  So I will be live from 12pm - 12am EST for anyone who wants to come hang out!  I'll be spending time on both the EU and the US servers.
Additionally, I'll have a giveaway 6 hours in of all the items shown here (YOU BETTA NOTE THE SUNRISE) And near the end of the stream I'm going to draw the winner of the juggernaut giveaway from the juggernaut giveaway video I did with cellofrag.
If any of you find yourself chillin on Sunday and want to relax with good company, I'll be there :)
Note: In keeping with Patreons Guidelines I will add that participation in the virtual giveaway is not limited to to patrons, they are equal opportunity!



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