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Hello! Thought it'd be a good time to write an update <3

It has been a year since I launched my Patreon. It was a much needed boost to my income, which is still a struggle despite all the work that have been doing for a while so it has been a gigantic help. Also it has helped me expand on popular characters many (and myself) love. I have had a lot of fun and has helped me improve, plus provide art in a more often basis for others to enjoy.
I want to thank one and each of you who have supported and continue to support me on this free-lance job. Every bit has counted, and still does! So a BIG thank you to all of you. 💜

So what comes next?

- Keep up the current work: I want to continue to provide the art you like, mainly between commission work, giving first full res access to it and the monthly exclusive sketches. I will likely be making a post soon asking for Patrons to give me a -pool- of characters they love, or would like to see my give a try in the future. Then, I can use them for options in future polls, with returning options once some time has passed.

I want to go back at exercises, studying, out of comfort zone and/or fun ideas/personal work for Mondays but I have been dealing with some burn out so instead I have been focusing on commissions and Patreon, I want to finish my queue asap so I can have an easier time managing or take some rest. Perhaps one-week long vacation but will see!

- Improving the exclusive work: I want to start toying with very fast rendering, mainly the maw, for the exclusive monthly sketches. It increases the time spent on the art though as well stress on the hands, so it might not always be a guaranteed currently. There is a way to turn it into an absolute guaranteed which I will be explaining further below.

- About a discord server: I have been thinking about creating a discord server for Patrons, but after giving it much of a thought I decided against it for now. I know there are many other servers out there and it can be very difficult to keep up with, I don't want to add to all of that when instead one can look into Patreon/Patreon posts which include e-mail notifications. It would require too to look into bot integration, moderation, channels and so on and is something that would take time as well. It does not mean I won't make one in the future but one step at a time.

I always welcome comments or messages in here, plus there is my Picarto stream where I often chat with viewers as I work!

- Goals: Been thinking about this too, and with one year already down I think it is safe to add this. Commission work is still something I want to mainly focus on and get down in consistency but Patreon growing as passive income means I can dedicate more time in tackling personal ideas and ideas Patrons would like to see between commissions. Includes adding rendering to Patreon work.

There will be be 3 goals, one already met and other two yet to be reached.

$120 Goal (MET): Guaranteed Poll for a Monthly Exclusive Sketch, refined and with flat colors.

$230 Goal: Guaranteed Upgrade to the Monthly Exclusive Sketch. Very Fast Rendering to the maw as focus.

$340 Goal: Guaranteed Upgrade to the Monthly Exclusive Sketch. Fast Render which includes the whole character, not only the maw. A more refined version of rendering, closer to the workflow I use for my full renders.

As you know, sometimes I like to surprise Patrons with extra sketches from the next most voted option in a poll. Any extra exclusive work that I might end up working on will likely be flat colors at most unless I find myself with extra time to take it further. It all depends of the available time, energy and if my hands do let me too 💦

That is all for the update! I appreciate you reading through this, I know it is a lot of text. Feedback is very appreciated! Either in the comment section or privately, feel free to let me know what you think.


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