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The chu was talking to their friend about being fascinated with maws, including  the Charizard's! The zard, being a good and playful friend, decided to make their move and go straight to business.

Poor chu was in the air before they knew it and with their friend ready to receive them below with open jaws, looking forward to have some good safe fun <3

December's Exclusive Patreon Art and last one of  the year! Zard won this month's poll and what else than having in mind that famous and unused Detective Pikachu's scene! Seriously, I was sad when it did not happen, could you imagine an internal of that and then Pikachu getting them to spit him out?

It wasn't my idea though, friend Corydonn suggested me such! Plus I am including alts of his zard self ready to catch that chu.

Includes Mawshot-only versions too!




This is SO good!!!!


Thank you! 💜 I am bit proud of this one for going more than just a maw.


This is amazing. I know Bowser got outvoted on the poll, but I feel like his maw needs love too...