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September's Exclusive Patreon Art. I liked the movie a lot, not only because of this wonderful beast but also the design and detail overall was fantastic. Of course the vorish scene was a big plus.

Since she has tonsils cannon wise I went and added a uvula too <3 If you have not seen the movie yet I recommend it plenty!

For this sketch I added a bit of fast render since I uploaded it late, was supposed to be done by the end of September. I am still dealing with gut issues, it has very slowly been getting better. I am still looking into seeing a specialist, but may be some time before I can see someone.

I want to thank you everyone who has kept supporting despite such a slow month, it has helped a lot while I have struggled to get work done. I will be holding a new poll for this month's sketch so keep an eye on that!

Due to fast render being included I added the lineless version as well.




Wonderful work here Gold! So happy to see her drawn in your hand, Red needs more artwork &lt;3 Wishing you the best in these upcoming months, take care of yourself as best you can!