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Yeah, can't just have a cold - mush evolve into a full-fledged bronchitis)

I'll be back as soon as possible, don't worry, no huge delays. Pardon the inconvenience...

PS: Got some medications, had a walk in the sun due to ultraviolet kills micro-bastards... I feel like an RPG character, dealing with a curse or a parasite - those situations when you have a debuff, and to get rid of it you have to deal enough damage to yourself.
+31 in shadow, no wind, you are ill - and you stand in there, in the middle of an open street, facing the sun - and ENDURE)




Haaw I wish you a good recovery Kredri, be suck is never pleasant but you'll come back we know it. Thanks to warning us about, we'll be patient. For now just rest on your side >×<


Hope all will be better soon! Make sure to eat some Chicken Noodle soup