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I am quite thoughtful these times. Regarding Patreon itself and what content is there.  

And I am seriously thinking of slowly turning this from fetish to lore.

Because even though I'm "that guy who draws best feetz evaaar lmao!!!" and all that... I am, after all, a professional lorecraft. I write fairy-tales that managed to make sailors cry. I checked it personally. And they did. People were sobbing before me. 

Thus, sooner or later, I will be changing contents from fetish to lore-related - because I want to do something that counts, not just gives me a coin. 

Of course, all bonuses and even fetish-related things well remain, but in way smaller amounts, like rewards, occasional pieces, gifts, Discord-only things and so on. But main content will be lore-related. Spirit instead of flesh. 

I mostly do fetish things to make Patreon worthwhile not because I want money. No. I do it, because more coin I have - more resources I have to work on lore and gamedev (PS - yes, I'm actually, a professional gamedev concepter). But no one knows that there are tons of stories and lores - everyone knows that I'm "best feetz evaaaar".

So, if thy support will still remain - be sure that I value it almost as much as you could value your own parents' kindness and care. For you will be supporting not just... pictures that are labelled "good for fap" - but my soul itself. Nothing bigger there is that I can value. It will allow me to flourish and my gamedev team - to work on projects for you as well. 

And if not - well, I can't hold you, right, he-he?

Thus, please, keep this in mind for coming future - and know that I respect any decision you may make. 

Sincerely yours, R.



Following the heart and not the nut. Respect!


You are in your right ^^ Personaly if i follow you and have began to do is not "because you are the beeest feet avaaar" but for your amazing art-skills ! seriously i was impressed the first time i saw a draw from you, so much detail.. so well draw.. also you are very good at draw fantastic creaturs and not evryone is able to do it like you do ^^. So don't worry fetish or no I'll continu to follow you, want see you develop your amazing lore and characters because you are an amazing artist Kredri ;3; Ho and if you success to get out this game one day I'll be glad to try it or support a kickstarter of it ! Good luck in your devlopment dude ^w^

Big Boi

I definitely understand that! Follow your passions!


"A jorney with millions adventures starts with a single step.",If there is anything we can do just ask it :)


Supports is most appreciated, not that much anything else can be done, he-he) Except popularization an advertising, perhaps...