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Had this issue many times already - constantly hearing that all we "Patreon users keep supporters just for cash", that I do things only to grab a coin, that I have no interest in audience, only in their wallets and so on, and so on...

From all us, Patreon users who, actually, produce something (and not just posting photos of their breakfasts) and for a fair price - be the haters damned) We do things for thee - and we love out audience.

If i cared only about your coins - would I be doing such gifts, in the first place?)

That's why I post "your support is much appreciated!" instead of just "support me!" - and I mean it ^^




For be a supporter of 10 patreon artist I can said than no one of you all only think to the money UwU ! I don't know who said these shit about patreon user but they are certainly not patreon user or supporter themselves !! So Kedri I can assure you than I know you love what you do and take care about your audience, tvanks for all these draw you do for us and thanks for this curent gift ^w^/. This little message you have let is realyvapprecuated to and I van said I don't regret to support you ! Good luck with the next and keep as much amazing you already are );3 !


I've only supported one artist because I wanted their art and nothing else. With you, I like your art, but I thought I could do something for you by contributing to your Patreon and sticking with it. I think it is better to give $5 but to keep it up through high and low than to give more one month and nothing in another, it makes the artist start getting worried about the income that they've come to rely on to pay their bills and live. You decided to make your art consistently and diligently for people in this community, and this is my way to reward your work ethics and skills, which you have obviously put a lot of effort into. This is why I contribute to your Patreon.