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Many call her many names. "Ashen Mistress" among Khalay, who bow before her. "Glaad", coal opal, rare kind of embers, symbol of age with no fear of time and age - among Ayleri.

Such a peril she met, as her child took his last breath before her, in her embrace, many-many years ago. As she fought for his life day by day, for heart of a weak being that was her offspring - just half of a year she needed to make him alive, to let him live a life as should...

Yet she was stripped of this.

Desperate mother remained in snows longer than any one and left last, when show covered even tops of oldest pines.

Stripped of time - and of everything else after, as Alira could not take on this travel.

...They say that her blood-scorching screams were heard even at feet of far mountains, at Heavens Veil itself - and till this very day some say that there are echoes to be heard in the wind.

No one knows how, yet at that day she lost all age and time mortal beings have. Never old, never young, she is the oldest Yaraga in the world, as she even remember times before Exodus, when they lived far-far to the North, were it was warm back then. Several centuries ago...

Icon of times passing, calm as mountain, steady as a glacier, list in thoughts as Midday Star itself, Maadra keeps on stretching the great wall in the North, the Silent Dhaim home of Rosenblatt Salatharash Family. As her ears are deafened by voices of those winds that were with her centuries ago, when she held her child in bereft with no measures, she never speaks - and no one knows if she is even... here.



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