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Backup link:    https://orig00.deviantart.net/d962/f/2018/076/d/c/gargoiles_by_kredri-dc64kwr.png

"[...] and thus, among lands beneath sight of Tattered King, one keeper of Shredded Hills, non ever left a seed of malice - as folks were frightened by sights of His voiceless keepers.

Should a seed of grim fall to sacred lands - howling pierced the skies of night - and howled those statues - and folks vanished in nowhere.

And trials were held, and sin was cleansed, and thus pleased were the looming idols - and mute became their howls... [...]

[...] ... yet came their scream along one night - and kept it's howl for nine sacred days, and none could mute it - and thus folks vanished again, and no sin ever redeemed, and no trials ever held - and hill grew empty.
And none could ever think, that Tattered King accepted a brand of greatest sin upon his forehead, on peak of Scarlet Month - and thus was known he as a King Traitor - and thus, no evil ever came to Shredded Hills.
And no shade ever sighed along that land, except ashen banners and feathers of passing birds..."



Cyan Chess

I don't know if I should be afraid... Amazed or intrigued... I think what I feel is a bit of the three combined! (big part to amazed though)