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And then, recently, I took a vote, and the majority came back to this dude.


I was negotiating with him, I will tell you the result here.

In short, the initial price of the work is 300 dollars, but this price can increase up to 900 dollars due to the 300% more commercial rights, that is, if I use the art to put it on the cover, or in any other local I need to pay this 300% more. Which is RIDICULOUS.

Second point, Even paying this outrageous price.

"I can publish my finished artwork without any restrictions. If you don't want your commissioned piece to be published or the publishing to be postponed later, please negotiate with me. Additional fees will apply.​

DO NOT take credit for my work or remove my watermark in any case."

I'm paying almost 1000 dollars in marketing rights fees, and he still wants to keep the rights to the image lol.

This is Scum, it doesn't matter if his art is beautiful or not, I can make better art with a paid AI and it will be as beautiful as his.

I will not pay this, it is disrespectful to both me and those of you who help me maintain the quality of this novel.

I'll try my luck with the other artist, if everything goes wrong again, I'll explain what happened.

Image of print \/


Braxton6 Gaming

Who the hell does he think he is? He may be good but he's not that good too be pulling that dumb shit

Paul Ryckman

It's pure greed, simple as that. That or he is just full of himself 🤔 We support your decision all the way Vic, and I believe this is for the best considering the typical art we have commissioned is, cough cough, suggestive 😆 🤣