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I spent this last week surfing the internet looking for good artists... [God, it's very difficult to find one who works professionally through a platform, or who isn't someone who is trying to scam you.]

But thanks to my author friends, I managed to find this guy.

He name is sperky? idk, here is the link: https://vgen.co/SPark845

i will try enter in contact with him, if the negotation is good, and the money is not too much expensive, i will ask a comessioned.



Austin Jimenez

I hope it works out. And thank you very much for all the chapters and stuff you do for us.

Kaiju TSlaymer

I like what he did for both novel covers. The Soulless Path and the other series that is only in Korean. This could be a good or decent choice. Not much art to go off of but a good look for what he does show and advertise.