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So... The month is ending, and I have a lot of work to do, but I haven't forgotten you guys. Again, thank you so much for everyone's support, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be able to pay artists to do the first character art.

Keep in mind, early arts can be... Bad?

But don't get angry, it's always like this at the beginning, if X character's art gets bad, I should just use that art as a base to make another art similar to another artist, it's quite common in the novel/anime industries.

Umu, explanations given.

The next vote will take place on November 1st, until then, I think I will have enough previews of the images given by the artist who is drawing Scathach.

The characters who participated in the vote will be.

Victor Walker [after fully evolving as a vampire.]

Sasha Fulger.

violet snow

Ruby Scarlett.

And one more character that will be voted on now!

Note: the character who has the most votes by November 1st will participate in the vote to win a possible art in the future, umu!



I want to see Ophis. So she’ll get my vote all the time lol.


Next vote violet sasha and ruby