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Chapter 09: Before the battle.

As I am looking at the monsters that were coming out of the red portals, I think of something from my past (Although it's only been a few days).

I was discussing philosophy on Reddit. The topic was about wars and, you know what weebs are like; they are quite fervent when they defend a 'noble' cause.

The forum was for World Of Warcraft and the discussion was about 'Horde' and 'Alliance'.

As a defender of the horde (don't judge me, Sylvana is hot) I participated in the discussions as a head of a sect; I was the wisest of them. Consequently, I was adored as the 'number one troll'

Cough ...

In numerous discussions that took place in that forum, I remember a specific sentence that an advocate of the Alliance spoke:

"War is never the answer..."

"Indeed, war is the question and the answer is yes."

This sentence silenced the community for a few seconds and, as expected, everyone agreed with the words of that great sage ... After that day, there was no longer any peace between the two communities.

Now you ask me, why am I remembering this useless topic?

Well, I'm a little depressed:

Unlike the last time, the game did not announce the enemies, they just left the portal. I flew over the sky, and from what I could tell.

There are 50 goblins, 50 wolves, 2 ogres and a giant wolf that is probably the Alpha of all those wolves ...

"My master, what should we do?" I heard an angelic voice speaking to me as I looked in disbelief at those enemies who are making a camp. Unlike last time, these monsters seem to be more organized.

I looked towards the voice and saw a female angel.

She is wearing a wardress with white and blue themes, she has a toned body that accentuates her figure and a face that can be described as perfect: golden eyes, long blond hair, with a serious and determined expression.

She is holding a sword with golden ornaments and a shield with the same design as the sword.

She is the perfect image of a <War Angel>

She is Camael, the angel I summoned using the game’s system.


Name: Camael, 26 years old. [Level 5]

Race: War Angel

Titles: the first of its kind.

Alignment: Neutral.

Class: Warrior| Main weapon: greatsword/sword and shield (Optional).

Class bonuses: 100% increase in everything related to physical effort and weapon domains.

Rank: Tier 1 (Two wings)

Affinities: Light (100%)

Current status: Determined, happy.

Loyalty: Unshakable, she regards her master as her god, she will accept any order from her master.

[Relationships updated!]

-Camael, she can't live without you, +8000 (Alive)


Unlike the others, I can see the entire status of Camael; the game said that she is linked to me by the soul. She is a companion that will grow by my side.

This system is quite common in games like Dragon's Dogma; you get a companion that grows by your side. She will always have the same level and tier as me, but her growth will be different from mine. After all, she is a warrior and I am a magician.

When Camael appeared, I felt a chill on my back when I looked at the number +8000, for some reason the image of Vegeta breaking the scouter appeared in my mind.

Dude, she overtook Lilith in affection towards me !!

"For now, we will be going back to Tony's building"

She nods and places the shield on her back and the sword in its sheath on the left side of her waist.

I flap my wings and soon start flying towards Tony's building. This feeling of flying is incredible; although I feel a little strange, since these wings are real bones, but for some reason, they disappear when they aren’t necessary. As I don't understand the physiology of angels, I just call it magic and ignore it.


New York, Tony Stark building.

"This is weird" Tony mumbled to himself, he was looking at a computer screen with a frown visible on his face.

"Indeed, I don't know what technology these monsters are using, but they are preventing satellites from taking pictures or videos of that location." Bruce Banner said.

Currently, the Avengers were in Tony's building. They were planning what to do before going to fight, but the problem is that they had no information about the enemy.

"Where's our feathered friend?" Tony asked.

"He should be here by now," Natasha said while sitting on a couch.

"Well, Lucifer wouldn't miss out on this fun for the world; I think he took the lead?" Thor said. As the one who has known Lucifer the longest, he has a basic understanding of his friend.

"By himself?" Natasha raised an eyebrow; she knows that Lucifer is strong, he doesn’t have the title of the strongest angel in heaven for nothing, but wasn’t it risky to fight alone against these enemies that even give the strongest angel of God a struggle?

"He's not a fool to fight alone, these enemies seem much stronger than they appear." Thor frowned. He wasn't very good at using his head in a war, but his experience said that the strength of those monsters was strange. It was as if someone was increasing their strength on purpose.

"You know what my shield is made of, right?" Steve appeared talking.

All the Avengers nodded. After all, it was common knowledge.

"That creature's fist left a mark on my shield." Steve commented casually.

Tony, Banner, and Clint looked at Steve with a shocked face.

Natasha and Thor who were close did not react much since they already knew.

[Sir, Lucifer is approaching the tower]

"Speaking of the devil," Tony said, smiling a little.

Lucifer who was being accompanied by Camael landed on the tower's balcony.

* Whistle *

"She is beautiful" Tony commented when he saw the woman that Lucifer was being accompanied by.

Thor, Clint, and Banner nodded in agreement with Tony's words.

"Hello There, did you miss me?" I commented with a usual little smile.

"Where were you?" Natasha asked curiously.

"I went to get a friend," I said while looking at Camael.

"Meet Camael, she is my ... Huh ..." I approach Camael and ask in her ear, "What are you?"

Camael raises an eyebrow but soon she replies with determination, "I am yours." She spoke in a not-so-low voice.

I look at the Avengers and see their faces that said 'as expected'.

I know she said it in the literal sense, not in the romantic sense, but it still caused misunderstandings. But, do I care about that? Not really!

"Anyway, this is Camael"

“Hmm, shouldn't she be a man? Camael is the angel of strength, and courage, right? ” Tony asked.

"I'm impressed, did you do your research?" I spoke in a false shock tone.

"Google is a very useful tool." Tony said.

I show a small smile "You shouldn't trust the Bible too much. After all, they were written by humans, and you know what humans are like ..."


"Answering your question, she is not my brother Camael; she is an angel that I created"


The avengers just looked at me with shocked eyes.

“What? Do you think that only my father can create beings? Humans can do that too, they just have to have sex ”I commented laughing.

"So, is she your daughter?" Banner asked.

“Of course not, she is an angel that I created. Did I not just say that? Are you high? ”

"....." Bruce just touched his face with mild irritation on his face.

"Oh, she is here." I look at the sky and soon I see a woman descending at high speed; I just looked at her wings that were a mixture of angel and demon with a little bit of curiosity. After all, it is the first time I am seeing those wings.

All the avengers look at the sky, and soon they see what I am seeing.

"Great, another angel; should we open a church soon?" Clint spoke.

"Hmm, I don't know if the church would accept it." I commented smiling.

"Why?" Clint asked.

"Well, she is my daughter with Lilith. Her very existence is considered taboo." I commented lightly with a smile on my face as if I didn't care about anything.


"Lilith ... that Lilith?" Tony spoke with mild disbelief.

"Yes, duh." I laughed.

"But ... Hmm, I mean ..." Tony wanted to comment, but he didn't know what to say. Suddenly, he felt someone putting their hand on his shoulder.

"Forget it, my friend, he is a being who has been alive since the beginning of time. Common sense doesn’t work when it comes to Lucifer," Thor commented in a strangely calm voice.

"....." Tony decides to follow Thor's advice.

"Hello, Maze" I spoke with a hand gesture.

"Lucifer, why did you call me ...?” She spoke as she turned her face to Camael. When, for some reason, I felt sparks being thrown into the air as the eyes of the two women met.

"Who is she?"

"I am Camael, a War Angel; I was made especially to serve my creator" She determinedly looked at Lucifer.


"What did you do?" She asked with an expressionless face.

"Oh, it's no big deal, I just created an angel to help me with what's to come in the future. She's beautiful, right?" I commented while stroking Camael's blond hair that had a small smile on his face.

'Did he create an angel? What nonsense is he talking about? Did he regain his power and become stronger? Only God can create angels! ' Maze thought in disbelief. She did not doubt Lucifer's words, after all he never lies. She doesn't know how he created an angel, but she just knows something ... If her mother knew this, she would climb the seven hells just to meet Lucifer.

Maze feels a chill down her back when she imagines Lilith's reaction.

"Well, we are taking too long in this conversation, we have monsters to kill" Lucifer said when he stopped petting Camael.

“You already know Maze, right? She is my daughter with Lilith ”He spoke with a small smile.

Maze just nods slightly, she was not interested in socializing.

Natasha raises her hands like a child in a school.


"Shouldn't Lilith be dead?" She doesn't know much about Lilith's story. After all, there are many versions of the same story.

"Oh, she is not dead. When she was expelled from the garden of Eden, she became a demon and consequently, she became my wife" Lucifer replied.

"So, what happened to Eve?" Tony asked in curiosity, since it is a story from the beginning of time, he is very curious.

"Eve, huh?" Suddenly Lucifer begins to receive several memories of the original Lucifer.

Maze looks at Lucifer with curiosity. After all, she is curious about her aunt.

"Well, how can I say, I was young at the time. And, I kind of corrupted Lilith and Eve?" Lucifer spoke with a strange smile.


An awkward silence descended on everyone.

"Lilith didn't want to be my dad's toy, she joined me and rebelled against my dad ... And Eve, I kind of corrupt her, and she was kicked out of Eden, I don't know where she is currently."


'He's a demon' Everyone thought.

“Wait, Lilith was raised to be Adam's first wife, right? The same thing happened to Eve ... What happened to Adam? ” Tony asked, he's kind of feeling bad for Adam who Lucifer gave a green hat.

“Adam, the man created in the image of my father, the father of humanity, Akashic Records file No.00000000001” Lucifer touches his chin while looking at the sky.

The Avengers swallowed hard waiting for Lucifer's response, they were very curious.

Lucifer looked at the Avengers with a gentle smile. "I do not know"

“Dude, come on! Don't be suspenseful! It hurts my heart!” Tony said.

“Hahahahaha, I really don't know. I didn't care at the time, but must he be alive? After all, he never left the Garden of Eden ”

"Dude, he must be really angry with you," Tony said, Bruce and Clint agreed with Tony.

"Well, he wouldn't be first in line ... Actually, I think he would be first in line," Lucifer spoke after thinking for a while.

"Wait, if Eve didn't have children with Adam, how was humanity created?"

"I do not know? I do not mind. My father must have created another woman for Adam. After all, creating some humans shouldn't be that difficult, he just has to get some clay and cement and boom! A woman is created. ”Lucifer spoke with exaggerated acts.


The avengers didn't know how to react to that information.

"Does that mean I have another aunt?" Maze asked aloud with a confused expression.

“I don't think she's your aunt since she wasn't raised at the same time as Eve and Lilith ... Meh, who cares? Questions about my father are often difficult to understand. ”

Maze and all the Avengers agreed with Lucifer. Camael didn't care, after all, she considers Lucifer to be her true god.


War Angel Camael \/



Enjoy, its is 2000+ Words... i will sent more soon, and sorry for the delay, my mother's grandmother took covid, and her kidneys stopped working. I'm not here to make excuses, I just want to explain what happened and why I was offline for a few days. I had to support her.