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Adrian follows the woman to a garden made of golden apples; the moment Adrian stepped into the Garden he could feel the 'life' concentrated in this place, it was a very strange sensation for him.

[Hmmm.] Phoenix appears behind Adrian and looks around with curious eyes.

'What happened, Phoenix?' Adrian asked mentally.

Phoenix looked around with curious eyes and soon her eyes began shining a crimson gold, she was investigating the area: [Now I understand why that god sent you to visit this place.] She spoke when she disappeared.

'Phoenix?' Adrian used his vision and looked at the golden apples, he saw a great deal of energy in the golden apples.

"My Lord, this is Idun's garden." The warrior spoke. Adrian nods, then the warrior says goodbye and leaves Idun's garden.

Adrian watches the warrior leave then looks[1] around and sees several trees that have golden apples.

Adrian walks calmly through the garden looking at the golden apples with curiosity; when he goes to touch a golden apple that is quite small, he suddenly hears a female voice:

"This fruit is not yet ripe."

Adrian turns and looks at a woman with long blond hair who had a neutral expression on her face, she was wearing a simple white dress and had a very ethereal feeling.

The woman maintains a neutral look then she begins to speak: "These apples are quite special, they are meticulously cared for by me; I don't want your dirty hands on these fruits." She spoke arrogantly. "Tsk, do these foreign gods think they can come in here and steal my apples?" She grunted in a cold tone, but Adrian found something interesting.

'Even though she complains constantly, her facial expression hasn't changed.' He thought.

Adrian does what the woman says, he moves away from the apple tree.

The woman approaches the apple tree and lightly touches the small golden apple, she makes an incomprehensible gesture with her hands and then the small golden applebegins to grow a little. "I had completely forgotten about you, but now you're healthy again." She spoke with a small smile on her face as she stroked the small apple.

Adrian watched everything that woman did with his eyes, but her actions weren't what shocked him; it was the blonde woman's genuine smile.

[Adrian ...] All the Symbiotes said.

[This man has no salvation, he is a PlayBoy.] Venom scoffed.

Adrian wakes up from his stupor. 'Who is PlayBoy !? I am an honest man. '

[This is a famous quote from men who like to jump over the fence.] Venom laughed.

[You can't help it. The neighbor's garden is always more beautiful, right?] Riot spoke.

[Adrian is a marriage eater, he likes a committed woman.] Scream spoke.


A vein pops in Adrian's head, he takes a deep breath and decides to ignore what the symbiotes said.

"Are you still here? Can you go? I will not give you my apples. ” The woman spoke in a neutral voice.

Adrian ignores the woman. With the previous demonstration, he knows that the woman in front of him is Idun, the goddess of spring and eternal youth; in Norse mythology it was Idun who protects the apples of youth. These apples were something very important to the Nordic gods. After all, it is through these apples that the gods could maintain their youth.

Adrian walks over to a tree that contains no golden apples.

"What are you doing?" The woman asks in a neutral tone, but Adrian ignores the woman.

He closes his eyes and makes the same gestures that Idun did with her hands, as Adrian's memory is perfect, he can do it easily. 'She put her energy in her hands and made these gestures.'

"You-" Idun was going to say something, but what she witnessed shut her up.

Adrian's white hair started to levitate as if defying gravity. 'I'm going to put in a little energy, this is just a test.' He thought.

Slowly, Adrian put his hand on the tree trunk and the moment Adrian touched the tree, it began to be bathed in the energy of life.

Suddenly several golden apples started to grow on the tree.

"This great amount of life energy ... this is incredible, it is as if his power has no end." Idun spoke in a neutral tone. She started to think about various possibilities, but she just remembered a being who could do what Adrian did. 'Phoenix ... is he the current host for Phoenix? But I never heard of Phoenix choosing a god as its host. '

Adrian looks at the tree with a smile on his face. 'It worked.'

"Rhino." Adrian's hair stopped floating and soon a dark atmosphere surrounded Adrian.


"This is death ..... a deity of death purer than that of Hela herself." She commented in a low, neutral tone.

Adrian's shadow spreads on the floor and soon Rhino leaves Adrian's shadow.

"Rhino collects apples in just one place, you must be careful because this is a delicate product." Adrian ordered.

"Wait ... Wait !! What are you doing?" Idun asked with a neutral look.

"I'm taking the apples ... Can't you see?" Adrian spoke as he turned.

"Yes ... I'm not talking about that! You know that these apples are only for the Asgardian gods. ”

"Yes, but ... I made these apples, so aren’t the apples mine?" Adrian commented smiling.

"What ...?" Idun looked at Adrian with a look as if he had heard something absurd; she cannot deny that it was Adrian who made the apples, but he is in her territory!

She looks at the apples that the shadow monster is collecting, she can clearly see that those apples have life energy far superior to what she normally produces.

"Why did you come here?" Idun takes a deep breath and asks.

"Oh, Heimdall said I could find something that could help me here, but the only thing I found was a grumpy goddess." Adrian commented.

"What .......?" Idun's neutral face was slightly irritated.

You had 'nods his head' again here which was redundant and didn't make sense with the warrior already leaving so I just replaced it with something that kept the sentence pacing without just deleting everything.



I'm sorry guys, I was having family problems with my girlfriend's family because of that, I couldn't write anything. I wrote some chapters, I'm going to post them now, I'm really sorry.