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While caressing Jessica's back on his lap, Adrian asked. "How are you feeling?"

Jessica replied. “Hmm? I'm much better, thank you. ”

Adrian stopped the massage he was giving Jessica: "That is not what I meant."

"... I know ..." Jessica said. She snuggles against Adrian's chest and closes her eyes; she was taking advantage of the wind in her hair.

Adrian fixes Jessica's hair that was messed up by the wind and starts to caress her head; he liked to caress his wives.

Jessica sighs: "Honestly, I am living the happiest moment of my life, I do not want to live in the past. Because of that, I have eliminated the root of all my problems."

Adrian hugs Jessica from behind and holds her hands, they looked like a couple of lovers who were acting lovingly with each other.

Jessica lays her head against Adrian's chest and, while looking at the moving landscape, she spoke in a neutral tone that contained no feeling: “That bastard was the root of all my problems, I wanted to move on. Because of that, I eliminated him. ”

Adrian nods, he closes his eyes a little and remembers what happened a few weeks ago.



Adrian was going to visit an old friend of his, he wanted to test some powers and torture on his old friend. Because of that thought, he walked towards a restricted area in the new building he was living in.

Arriving at a black door that has a sign that says 'Do not enter', Adrian opens the door and enters. When passing through the door, the first thing that entered Adrian's vision was Jessica who was holding Kilgrave's heart.

Adrian looks at Kilgrave and to see that his body was unrecognizable, it was quite obvious that Jessica tortured him before killing him.

Adrian walks over to Jessica who was holding Kilgrave's heart in her hands while looking at the lifeless body of the man who once made her suffer a lot.

Adrian said nothing, he touched Jessica's shoulder.

Jessica turns to Adrian, with neutral eyes that contain no feeling, she says. "Adrian?"

Adrian smiled a little: "You made a mess, huh?"

"Sorry ... should I clean?" She spoke a little awkwardly.

Adrian smiled a little gently. "You don't have to." He hugs Jessica and strokes her hair.

Feeling Adrian's warmth, Jessica lets go of the heart she was holding on the floor and snuggles into Adrian's arms.

Jessica hugs Adrian very tightly, it was like she was afraid of losing Adrian.

"It's okay, I'm here." Adrian spoke in a low voice as he stroked her gently.

"Nn" Jessica nods, but she hasn't stopped hugging Adrian.


"Are you happy?" Adrian asked despite already knowing the answer.

Jessica smiles a little, she looks at Adrian; she lightly touches Adrian's face and smiles gently. "Yes, I am very happy."

Words were no longer needed, Adrian brings his face close to Jessica and kisses her.

It was a loving kiss, a kiss that conveyed the whole feeling of love and affection.

While kissing Jessica, Adrian said, "The girls are watching."

"Let them watch, I bet they're jealous." Jessica spoke, and she was right.

Adrian bites Jessica's lips lightly.

"Hmmm ~" Jessica moaned a little.

"Don't tease the girls too much."

Jessica stops kissing Adrian and rests her head on his chest, she smiles gently and says in a soft voice: "I don't promise anything."

Adrian laughed and started to stroke Jessica's head again.

Jessica just closed her eyes and enjoyed Adrian's caresses. She really liked that feeling of tranquility and peace that she received when she was snuggled up in Adrian.


"This woman is very sneaky." Felicia grunted in annoyance when she saw Jessica lying on Adrian's chest.

"She is a fox." Yelena grunted a little irritated.

Jean looked at Jessica, she can't read her thoughts because of the symbiote, but she can feel slightly what Jessica is feeling. This was a skill she recently discovered.

'Happiness, tranquility and love ... A very big and heavy love.' She thought as she watched Jessica.

She looks at Adrian and tries to feel his feelings, but she can't feel anything; it was like something was protecting Adrian.


Adrian's mental landscape.

"Humpf" Phoenix snorted proudly.

"Why are you preventing her from feeling Adrian's emotions?" Death who was sitting on a throne of skeletons asked curiously.

"Only I can feel Adrian's emotions, I will not give this privilege to anyone!" Phoenix replied while looking at a screen in the sky, she looks at her sister and raises her eyebrows a little:

"Is this your new look?" She asked.

"Yes, I looked like a teenager before; I switched to a more adult look." Death responded with a seductive smile that matched her adult form.

Phoenix looks at Death's breasts and her ass, she huffed. "I still win."

Death was not annoyed, she just smiled seductively and replied: "If I wanted to look like you, I could easily do that. After all, we are twins, but I don't want to ... I have my own tastes."

Phoenix looks at Death again.

Death had pale skin, full lips, slightly above average breasts and ass and a curvaceous body;unlike Phoenix who had a seductive body.

Death had a 'cool' appearance, a more mature and professional appearance.

Phoenix snorted again: "Even if you try to imitate me, you will not be able to imitate my mountains!"

* Boeing * * Boeing * * Boeing *

Phoenix tapped her breasts with pride, with just that movement, her breasts started to swing.

Death looks at the piece of meat on Phoenix's chest, she said coldly. "Don't tease me Phoenix, if you tease me too much, one day you will wake up without those pieces of meat on your chest."

Phoenix covers her breasts: “You can't!! Adrian loves my breasts!! ”

A vein pops in Death's head: "Oh?"

Death gets up from her throne and walks slowly towards Phoenix: "You are disrespecting me a lot, maybe you need some punishment."

Phoenix snorted, she got up from the lawn and said. "Just try, I'm not the same as before!" Phoenix's eyes began to glow gold.

Death's eyes start to glow with a cold neon blue, she just watched her sister with cold eyes.

Suddenly, Death stops looking at Phoenix and looks at the screen in the sky. "Asgard." She commented when she saw the runes carved out of the hammer in the crater.

Hearing the name of the kingdom of the Norse gods, Phoenix looks at the screen as well. "How long does Odin have left, Death?" She asked seriously.

Death closes his eyes for a moment and focuses on an old man who was sitting on the throne. "He will die soon ... And you needn't worry, Odin is no longer the same strength he was in the past, he is not a threat to the current Adrian."

Phoenix nods. "This is good news." Phoenix relaxed, then she continued: "Odin at his peak could fight the celestials easily, the current Adrian cannot handle that kind of strength, but thankfully he is dying."

"Yes ... Let's see what happens next." Death said as he returned to her throne and sat down.

Phoenix nods and lays on the grass lazily.

Lady Death, new appearance /\



Thank you for the chapter👍😁


Personally I really enjoy Both of your books keep up the good work👍😁


Thanks, friend. But, most of my patreon don't like Venom. T_T I know I made a lot of mistakes in it, but it's my second novel, I don't want to discard it like I did with Otsutsuki.