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Yelena Belova, Natasha Romanoff's childhood friend and later the new Black Window.

She is a spy who was trained in the Red Room, unlike Natasha who was rescued by Leona, Yelena was unable to escape. Because of that, she had to undergo all the training in the Red Room.

She was being trained to be the best killer in the world.

But the Red Room superiors were not satisfied with Yelena's performance. After all, they had Natasha Romanoff who was the perfect spy.

Like it or not, Yelena was inferior to Natasha, that's what the superiors thought.

Because of that thought, an unpleasant experiment was born.

They wanted to make Yelena Belova the new Natasha Romanoff.

They took Natasha's genes and did several experiments with Yelena. At first the experiment failed and almost killed Yelena, but they didn't give up ...

They decided to use a replica of the super soldier's serum, but that replica was a fairly diluted copy of the original.

With the addition of the super-soldier serum, the experiment was a success. Natasha Romanoff's genes were integrated into Yelena Belova.

That's how Yelena became the new Black Widow.

But the experiment was not 100% perfect.

Yelena was mentally broken, she had no will of her own. She was just a doll, she just became a killing machine.

With her mind totally broken, Yelena could not discern who she really was, she even thought she was a clone of Natasha Romanoff.

After all, all she heard was how perfect Natasha Romanoff was.

A few years later, Yelena had a mission, that mission was to recover something unknown at SHIELD's base.

Without her knowing she was falling into a trap by Nick Fury who wanted ways to control Adrian.

She was ordered to recover that 'something'.

She managed to recover the item, but that item was an alien that took control of her.

Once again, she just became something that was used and discarded.

She had no hope that this hell would be undone, she just had a thought. She wanted revenge, she wanted to destroy the people who did this to her. She wanted to destroy Natasha Romanoff.

If it were not for the existence of Natasha Romanoff, she would not suffer these experiments.

She needed to get attached to something, all she had was revenge, and it made her mentality not to fall apart.

When she became hostage to the alien, she thought she would die that day, because even her revenge was not enough to keep her mind from breaking.


Adrian saved her and fixed her mind, she was finally able to think of her own accord. She finally returned to her ‘original'.

She was finally Yelena Belova again.

She was immensely grateful to Adrian, she didn't want revenge on Natasha anymore. With her mind recovered, Yelena could think for herself and she realized that her sister was not to blame for anything.

Yelena did not give up on her revenge, she just changed the target of her revenge. She wanted to kill everyone responsible for doing these experiments onher.

But she also didn't want to leave Adrian.

Arriving on top of a building, she saw Adrian fighting Hulk. It was a monster fight, it was a fight that humans were not allowed to interrupt.

Seeing Adrian's smile as he fought the Hulk, she realized that he was enjoying himself.

Yelena looked with obsessed eyes at Adrian. "Initially, I just felt grateful, but when I lived with you for 1 month, that feeling changed."

Yelena wanted revenge, but she also wanted Adrian's attention and affection. She thought she couldn't win this affection because he was her sister's husband, but that thought changed when she realized that he had several women and that these women accepted each other.

She wanted it too. She wanted someone to wanther, she didn't want to be just a copy of Natasha Romanoff.

She was not Natasha's clone! She was born and had a mother and father!! She has the name Yelena Belova!!

She is not Natasha Romanoff!!

Yelena sits on the balcony of the building and watches Adrian and Hulk fight.


* Booooooom! *

Once again Hulk and Adrian are shocked.

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAH! You are incredible Hulk! The more we fight, the more you get stronger. You are the perfect opponent! ”

"Grrrr, just die insect!!" Hulk attacks Adrian again.

Adrian holds Hulk's arms and decides to use Martial arts. He holds Hulk's arms and with his feet, he kicks Hulk's knees, then Hulk loses his balance. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Adrian throws Hulk towards a building.

Adrian stretches his body a little. "I am really satisfied with this fight, but if there is something that bothers me, it is that you are an animal that does not think."

* Roooooaaaar !!!! *

Hulk leaves the building and stops in front of Adrian.

"Why you not die!? Why you not die!? Why you not die!? WHY!!? ” Hulk was getting even angrier. He was frustrated and angry, he couldn't kill this insect that bothers him so much!

Adrian's smile grows. "You really have no limits, Haahahahahaah."

Seeing that Hulk was getting stronger, Adrian decides. "Hulk!! Are we going to raise the level of this battle!? ”

Hulk looked annoyed at Adrian.

Seeing Hulk's bright green eyes, Adrian's smile grows.

Adrian slowly walks towards Hulk, a black slime starts to come out of Adrian's body and starts to cover him.

Slowly this goo covers Adrian and soon Adrian's entire body is covered by this goo.

Hulk decides not to wait and attacks Adrian.

Adrian reaches out and takes Hulk's punch, then he appears in his Hybrid form.


Adrian takes Hulk's punch with his hands and roars towards Hulk's face.

Unlike Hulk, Adrian's roar was more demonic and acute. It was as if a demon had summoned Earth.

Seeing Adrian's appearance, Hulk is intimidated a bit. He takes a step back, but when he realizes what he did, Hulk became more angry.


Hulk roared in anger as he hit his head on Adrian's head.


"Dad .... What is that ...?" Elizabeth asked as she trembled with fear.

"My daughter .... That is a monster .... A monster that should have been killed a long time ago ..." General Ross spoke in a helpless tone.

He's just wondering how SHIELD let this monster loose.

He looked around and just saw his trained soldiers trembling like a little girl, and it all happened with just a roar from Adrian.



I will post more chapters soon, when I complete 185 chapters on Venom, I will start writing about DC. But now, I'm going to take a shower !! My room is very hot !! I'm sweating like a pig here T_T Although I'm a skinny guy.


Thank you for the chapter👍😁