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Adrian saw all the memories of the man known as Norman Osborn, he saw how he grew up in a decadent family with a father who was financially broken.

He saw Norman's desire not to be like his father, he saw how he struggled to graduate from college.

He saw how he married his college girlfriend whose name was Emily Lyman.

He saw Norman's son named Harold "Harry" Osborn.

He had a relatively normal life. He had a successful life, but it all started to get off track when Norman discovered he had an incurable disease.

"Wrong, from a young age he was a man greedy for power." Adrian said in a neutral tone when he saw Osborn's memory of expelling his business partner.

He also saw that it was this same business partner who helped him build OSCORP.

Adrian threw the body of Norman Osborn who was brain dead on the floor.

Adrian decides to ignore the memories of Osborn's life. He started looking for more recent memories, and what he saw made him very disgusted.

"You think a lot about yourself Norman Osborn." Adrian spoke with disgust as he looked at Norman's spirit. "You are not a god or a superior being, you are just a successful man."

Adrian saw what Norman did to the people who suffered from his experiments. "You didn't personally participate in the experiments you did with these people, but you were the one in charge. It is through your wish that these sick experiments were born."

Adrian saw that Norman used criminals for the experiments he was doing, initially, he thought he just experimented with criminals.

But Adrian was wrong, he used homeless men and women in his experiments too.

"They are an unnecessary existence, no one will be missed if some of them disappear." That was Norman's thinking.

In a way, he was right, no one cared about the homeless or criminals.

Adrian would not say anything if the experiments were only with criminals, but he used several innocent people that, because of their financial situation, had no other way than to live on the street.

Besides, he was not a man of hiswords.

Adrian's eyes started to glow a cold neon blue. "Rhino." Adrian's shadow slowly grew, a being came out of his shadows.

Adrian looks at Rhino. "Your family is dead, he didn't keep his promise to you."

Adrian said in a neutral and cold tone, he has no ties to Aleksei. He just understood him, he was a man who would do anything for his family. Adrian understood this feeling very well, he has no ties or friendship with Aleksei, but he did not like this situation ...

Adrian walks over to Rhino and puts his hand on the head of his new subordinate. "That was what happened."


"Sir, what should we do about Aleksei's family?" A subordinate asked Norman Osborn.

"Just discard them, why should I care about a criminal's family?"

"... Yes, sir."


Seeing what happened, Rhino cries, black tears start to fall from Rhino's face. Suddenly, Rhino's eyes started to glow with a golden color. He started to gnash his teeth as if he were very angry.

"Shit." Knowing what will happen, Adrian quickly uses the symbiote and isolates the area.


A roar of sadness echoed through Norman Osborn's office. Despite being dead, Rhino or more precisely speaking Aleksei, still had a strong desire to protect his family.

Adrian sighs and looks at Rhino with understanding eyes, he understands very well what Rhino is feeling.

[This is interesting...]

A woman appears beside Adrian.


[Originally, my power only revived corpses. They had no emotions, they were just flesh ... I could control souls, but I couldn't take these souls out of my dimension. After all, by my father's law, death is the endpoint for all beings, I cannot break this law. No entity can break this law, this is the natural cycle.]


Adrian looks at Rhino.

[This being, he is dead, but at the same time, he is alive as a soul, and he is connected with you ... That shouldn't be possible ...]

Adrian sighs again and says. "If there's one thing I learned about these entities' issues ... It's that with enough power or a skill that shouldn't exist, everything is possible."

Death looks at Adrian.

Adrian thinks a little about the words he means: “The laws that your father created are very easy to break. He is an omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent being, right? So, he must know about this problem, and even though he knows about this problem, he chose to ignore everything. ”


Death starts to think about Adrian's words.

"It's just a thought of mine, but I think he did it on purpose."

[... You can be right ...] Death commented.

Adrian sighs. “Well, how am I supposed to understand the thought of the being who created everything we know? Just ignore my thoughts. ”

Death nods, but she was still thinking about what Adrian said.

Adrian walks up to the spirit of Norman Osborn who was just watching everything. He wasn’t allowed to do anything. In fact, he couldn’t do anything. From the spirit’s perspective, Adrian was an infinitely big being, it was like he was anentity or something like that.

Adrian grabs the neck of Norman Osborn's spirit, for a moment, a random thought crosses Adrian's head. 'How can I hold a spirit?'

He decided to ignore that random thought. He walked over to Rhino while holding Norman Osborn's spirit.

He raises his hands and offers Norman Osborn to Rhino. "Just like I said I would, you have the head of Norman Osborn."

Rhino looked furiously at the spirit of Norman Osborn who was shaking with fear. Rhino opens his mouth and swallows the head of the spirit of Norman Osborn.

Not satisfied, he ate up all of Norman Osborn's spirit.

Death just watched everything with curious eyes, she never saw a soul being 'eaten' before.

Adrian walks to the desk of Norman Osborn's office. He takes a pen and makes a letter using the same handwriting as Norman Osborn, as Adrian got Norman Osborn's memory, imitating his handwriting is easy.

Adrian was forging a letter, the content of that letter was quite simple. "I chose to retire. I'm dying and I want to live a peaceful life. I leave my whole company in the hands of my son Harry."

Adrian knows that what he is doing is useless. After all, everyone who is close to Norman Osborn knows what kind of person he was.

But that's Adrian's goal. If the president of OSCORP suddenly disappears, the company will be in chaos, he plans to use that chaos.

Adrian takes a communicator out of his pocket and puts it to his ear. "Leona, I suggest you buy shares in OSCORP."

"Adrian, what did you do?" Leona asked curiously.

"Well." Adrian looks at Norman's body. "I made friends with Norman, and I convinced him to take an unlimited vacation."

"I see, you killed him." Leona said.


"I know how to take advantage of the situation, don't worry."

Adrian smiled. "As expected of you."

"Humpf." Leona snorted and hung up the communicator.



I think I can send five more chapters today, hehe.


Thank you for the chapter👍😁